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Runtime 3hour 0Minutes / synopsis In the early 1990s, Jordan Belfort teamed with his partner Donny Azoff and started brokerage firm Stratford-Oakmont. Their company quickly grows from a staff of 20 to a staff of more than 250 and their status in the trading community and Wall Street grows exponentially. So much that companies file their initial public offerings through them. As their status grows, so do the amount of substances they abuse, and so do their lies. They draw attention like no other, throwing lavish parties for their staff when they hit the jackpot on high trades. That ultimately leads to Belfort featured on the cover of Forbes Magazine, being called "The Wolf Of Wall St.". With the FBI onto Belfort's trading schemes, he devises new ways to cover his tracks and watch his fortune grow. Belfort ultimately comes up with a scheme to stash their cash in a European bank. But with the FBI watching him like a hawk, how long will Belfort and Azoff be able to maintain their elaborate wealth and luxurious lifestyles? / Stars Jonah Hill / year 2013 / Tomatometers 8,5 of 10 / genres Crime, Biography

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One of the rare occasions when a potentially great film becomes BAD courtesy of its running time.
I have truly never experienced so much fluff in a movie before. And what's worse it was totally unnecessary because the material was there and it was more than enough.
I can't even begin to praise the merits of The Wolf of Wall Street (it did have a few) because the redundant scenes and dialogue are too much to get over. It's sort of like trying to enjoy a fine steak while tofu is being forcibly stuffed down your throat. It's all ruined.
All and all what a pity. It could have been the best movie of the year if only.

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Best Place to Watch #TheWolfofWallStreet Online Online "WatCh The Wolf of Wall Street Online ScreeNranT. Movies, Watch the wolf of Online, Before. The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 Full Length Movie Download Free hd version. The wolf of wall street 2013 full length movie download free hd horror. The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 Full Length Movie Download free edition. The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 Full Length Movie Download free hit. The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 Full Length Movie Download free download. The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 Full Length Movie Download free documentation. The Wolf of Wall Street has a cracking script, superb acting, top notch technical work in all departments and masterly direction binding the wonderful ingredients together. The sheer exuberance and energy behind most scenes indicate that all involved had a whale of a time making this movie. Its extravagance of style matches the total lack of scruple and restraint on the part of the title character, Jordan Belfort.
Why not give it a perfect 10 out of 10? Well, the sheer length. It really is not necessary to have a three hour movie when the subject matter is less than epic. Much of it is shamelessly squalid and we really don't need multiple episodes of sexual excess and drug overdosing to rub the truth in. You can see any number of scenes which are redundant as far as story development and character portrayal are concerned.
Scorsese has been criticised for glamorising the lifestyle of a most unsavoury crook. I think that is beyond ridiculous. You might as well criticise real life for being unfair. The anti-hero, brilliantly portrayed by DiCaprio, did have a fantastic time at other people's expense and has largely got away with it. He served a short prison term for numerous monstrous and pitiless frauds which would have merited multiple life sentences in any decent system of justice. He is now enjoying a globe trotting career making loads more money as an inspirational speaker. He is subject to a restitution order to make a trivial contribution to the brutal losses he inflicted on his victims. But he is failing to repay even that penalty! Blame the feeble US justice system. Well, maybe not. We don't want too many bent financiers, bankers and politicians to serve huge prison terms, do we? One reviewer noted the contrast between the anti-hero's lifestyle (travelling on a 170 foot yacht and private jets) and the life of the dogged, incorruptible investigator who pursues travels on the New York subway. You can hardly blame Scorsese for telling the truth. When I see the salaries paid to British police and other investigators compared with the wealth enjoyed by the scum they try to bring to justice, it restores my faith in the decency of so many "ordinary" people.
The only moral and storytelling criticism I would offer is that Scorsese shows very little of the impact of Belfort on others. True, his first wife's grief at his shameless whoring and philandering is very touching, if briefly portrayed. When he lost his first job on Wall Street, she had been willing to sell her engagement ring to make ends meet. Her loyalty and genuine unselfish love were betrayed. His second wife and their children are also shown as suffering from his insane drug abuse and promiscuity. But I could feel only a fraction of the sympathy for her that I felt for his first wife. Wife No 2 knew, or should have known in one part of her mind, that she was marrying a ruthless cheating chancer. But no doubt she deluded herself that he would settle down, turn over a new leaf, etc.
As for all Belfort's financial victims? At best, they are voices on the other end of a telephone sales pitch. None gets even a cameo appearance to portray the rage and despair they must have felt. Maybe some were rich and could absorb the losses. Maybe some lost everything. Maybe some were driven to suicide, as happened with at least one of Bernie Madoff's victims.
I have not done any digging to see the painful stories behind the Wolf's success. And Scorsese was not making an expose documentary on the mechanics of large scale fraud and the effect on the victims. The focus is quite properly on the title character with the brutally apt nickname. Very few directors could produce such an eyepopping, guilty pleasure.

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